5 - some examples from the New Testament

  1. Five loaves of bread (and two fish) are what Jesus used to feed the 5000 (Matthew 14, etc)
  2. Five virgins were foolish and five were wise in the parable Jesus told (Matthew 25:2)
  3. Five bags of gold are the most bags given to the man in the parable Jesus told and who gained five bags more (Matthew 25)
  4. Five months - the period Elizabeth remained in seclusion after she became pregnant with John (Luke 1:24)
  5. Five sparrows could be bought for two pennies in Jesus's day (Luke 12:6)
  6. Five are in the family Jesus speaks of being divided against each other, three against two and two against three (Luke 12:52)
  7. Five yoke of oxen are the number purchased by the man who is on his way to try them out and so cannot follow Jesus (Luke 14:19)
  8. Five brothers are the number the rich man had and who he wanted warned so that they would not end up in Hades like him (Luke16:28)
  9. Five husbands is the number the Samaritan woman had before living with a man who was not her husband (John 4:18)
  10. Five covered colonnades surround the pool called Bethesda where the blind man was healed (John 5:2)
(Also, five intelligible words are the number Paul would prefer to speak over ten thousand in a tongue (1 Corinthians 14:19) and five times is the number of times Paul received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one (2 Corinthians 11:24). In Revelation five months is the length of time allowed for torture (Revelation 9:5) and Five kings have fallen of seven (Revelation 17:10))

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